W o r k s h o p 2 0 1 5
Pedro de Escobar (c.1465 - after 1535)
Pedro de Escobar was born in Oporto. Little is known about his life until 1489, year in which he entered the service of Isabella of Castille, being the only Portuguese singer in her chapel.
He returned to Portugal in 1499, but went back to Spain in 1507, where he worked as teacher of the choirboys in the cathedral of Seville.
He quit in 1514, complaining about his low salary.
He was chapelmaster to Cardinal Afonso in 1521, and is described as "Pedro do Porto" in the book "Côrtes de Júpiter" by Gil Vicente, where there is an account of King Manuel's daughter's wedding.
He was still alive in 1535, living in poverty in Évora.
From his work, masses, motets and songs survived to our days.
The mass for the dead that will be performed during the workhop can be found in the musical manuscript 2/3 from Tarazona, Spain.